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[Important: Please read carefully! ] Regarding date and time specification and product damage

Raw cakes are particularly delicate products, so damage may occur on rare occasions depending on how they are handled during transportation. *There may be slight scratches or deformations due to shaking during shipping, so if you wish to receive the item in perfect condition, please be sure to use "In-Store Pickup" . Additionally, delays may occur depending on weather and road traffic conditions . Such problems are especially likely to occur during the winter season and during event periods (midyear gifts, year-end gifts, Mother's Day, etc.). [We recommend delivery at least 2-3 days before the date of use to check the condition. ] Please be aware that we cannot respond the same day in the event of a problem before placing your order. If there is damage during shipping, we cannot respond on the same day. Raw chocolate has a shelf life of 4 months from the date of manufacture, and raw cakes have a shelf life of approximately 2 months after being frozen , so we recommend that you specify a delivery date well in advance. *Damage during shipping is subject to compensation by the shipping company, but we will take action after the shipping company collects the damaged product. Please understand that if there is a delivery problem, we will only be able to resolve the issue within 2-4 days at the earliest. (If the item is out of stock, it will be resent after production.) Please note that if you live in an area where delivery from Shiga Prefecture takes more than 2 days (north of Tohoku, south of Kyushu, remote islands), it may take 3-5 days for the product to be delivered to you again. Masu. For this reason, we recommend delivery at least 3-5 days before the date of use . Immediately after completing your order, we will accept requests to change the date and time or cancel your reservation.If you wish to change the date or time, or if you do not agree to the above, please contact us. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact us as soon as possible to change the date and time or cancel your reservation. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please understand that raw sweets are extremely delicate products and are transported with a large amount of luggage .


チョコの中では一番人気のカラフルチョコたち。 その色鮮やかさから、天然の体にやさしい素材でできたチョコだと認識されない(そもそもチョコだと認識されない…)ことが悩みの種でございました。 そこで!これはナチュラルなチョコレートですよ、と皆様に伝わるようにと、デザイナーさんにパッケージを作っていただきました♡         Hareto-Ketoのお馴染みサンライズ柄でございます! 大きな英字と、日本語で商品を説明しております。 さらに、裏面には英語での説明もございますので、海外の方へのプレゼント、そしてお店で販売いただく際のインバウンド対応もバッチリです◎         バージョンアップした月や太陽のチョコ、そして愛と平和のチョコを、今後ともよろしくお願いいたしますっ


夏限定のローケーキを、今年もご予約開始いたしました! ハワイのラニカイビーチをモチーフにした、チョコチップミントのヴィーガンチーズケーキ。 マーメイドのチョコレート飾りが付属しておりますので、なんともファンタジックなビジュアルです!!   7月15日(月)の海の日より発売です。 日時のご指定ないものは順次発送いたします。         ローチョコレート工場のお向かいのお庭で力強く育ったミントをモリッと加えております。 清涼感のある口当たりのよいクリーミーケーキ。 アイスのようにひんやり冷やしてお召し上がりください。      


6月30日まで、4号サイズ以上のローケーキが送料無料で全国どこでもお取り寄せできちゃうサマーセールを開催します! チェックアウトフォーム内で、クーポンコード「freeforcakes」をご入力ください。 ひんやりとろけるスイーツで、夏の涼を先取りしてはいかがでしょうか?       そして! ♡Hareto-Ketoのロースイーツ・ローチョコレートが気になっている方 ♡1〜2人で日常的にちょこっとずつロースイーツを味わいたい方 そんな皆様へ、お手軽にローチョコレートやロースイーツを味わっていただけるお試しセットをご用意いたしました!! 高品質なHareto-Ketoのスイーツを、ぜひご自宅でお楽しみください♪ ※簡易包装につき、ご自宅用でのご利用をお願いいたします。       セットのローケーキはころんと大ぶりの1.5人前! プライベートビーチを思わせる小さな入り江をイメージしたデザインで、その名も"Dream Lagoon"。 ローズマリー&ミント&レモンの爽やか〜なお味です。    


お中元に心と体を想う健やかギフトはいかがでしょうか? ナイススイーツなギフトをご用意してお待ちしております!  

now! When you buy a cake, it comes with chocolate sauce ♡ Mail order campaign

Starting from April 9th ​​(Tuesday), if you order whole cakes from this online shop, you will receive raw chocolate sauce for free! Orders will end as soon as the planned number is reached, so please order as soon as possible♪ By decorating your plate with chocolate sauce, you can enjoy...

Limited quantity! Raw cakes are 25% off!

Since the expiration date is near, the best melting raw cake is on sale in limited quantity! If you have a small event like a birthday, anniversary, or gathering together during this month, please take advantage of this great sale~♡

Depending on the partner and situation! 3 recommended raw sweets for White Day gifts! !

Hareto-Keto's raw chocolate and raw sweets are healthy sweets made with 100% rare organic cacao and kneaded with plenty of highly nutritious superfoods. It is also useful for beauty and diet , making it the perfect gift for women . Contains no white sugar, dairy products, or wheat. The colorful...

Now accepting reservations for Hinamatsuri & White Day limited cake!

It's here again this year! The super cute spring-colored vegan cake will be on sale from February 27th! ! This is a lozenge-colored raw cake colored with powder from plants such as vegetables and fruits. It comes in a gift box, so it's perfect for celebrating Hina dolls or as...

[Solved] If the error message "Shipping is unavailable" is displayed.

For some orders, the following error message appears and the order cannot be confirmed. Shipping not available Your order cannot be delivered to the address you selected. Please check your address and ensure it is accurate before re-entering or choosing a different address. We have contacted Shopify, the e-commerce platform...

Order early! Valentine's gift February 12th at 9am is the last minute!

If you are considering additional orders or new orders, please place your order with plenty of time to spare this week ! ! ! ! Delivery on the 14th is possible if payment is completed by 9:00 a.m. on February 12th (holiday/Monday) . In the case of a large order...

Perfect for your trip to Shiga Prefecture! Vegan raw chocolate available only for in-store pickup♡

Focusing on sake lees, a fermented food, this is a dairy-free raw chocolate specializing in beauty and health. An exquisite dish made with sake lees prepared by a female brewer! Gently melting fermented raw chocolate will be on sale from February 3rd! Please use our vegan raw chocolate as a...

Because it's winter! Get some chocolate at a bargain price ♡

Chocolate delivery has been switched to room temperature delivery, so we are reducing shipping costs for a limited time only until early spring ! *There will be no change to Okinawa as it is a cool delivery service. Delivery is up to 310 yen cheaper than cool delivery, so don't...

New vegan raw chocolate made with Shiga local sake will be released!

Focusing on sake lees, which is a fermented food, we created a dairy-free raw chocolate specializing in beauty and health. We use sake lees prepared by a female brewer at a sake brewery in Shiga, and have devised a way to make it delicious even for those who are reluctant...

We will be selling limited lucky bags at the 2024 first sale!

This will be on sale for a limited time from January 1st to January 7th, 2024! You can purchase enchanting lucky bags containing rare products at great prices, such as the world map-patterned chocolate bar that will be sold for the first time in several years, the Bliss Ball fortune...

Year-end and New Year holidays only! Now accepting reservations for economical low cake!

Sorry I made you wait! The long-awaited item is now available for order! The ice cream cake-style cupcakes, which were previously only sold at physical stores and at events, will be sold at the online shop for the New Year period only. When you return home, at a New Year's...